Techart Conference

| 2021 TechArt Conference | 


Session 1: Reconsideration of Image and Algorithm

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Making Artwork and Algorithmic Thinking

Lee, Soojin (Inha University, S. Korea)

Yoon, Nara (University of Paris 8, France)


This study aims to ponder the relationship between contemporary art and information technologies with particular emphasis on the “process”. Most of the discourses about artworks based on information technology focus on the practicality of the technology. In reality, however, “making artwork” and “conceiving algorithm” share significant amount of similarities. To illustrate this, with humanities as well as informational point of view, we would like to analyze two interpretations of one particular set of algorithmic instructions; the physical version of Sol LeWitt’s Wall Drawing #358 and its software version implemented by Casey Reas in 2004.

Bio(Lee, Soojin)

- Professor of Department of Cultural Contents & Management, Inha University (South Korea)

- Ph.D of Semiotics, University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis (France)

- She researches on Film Semiotics, Science-Fiction and Contemporary Cultural Studies. Latest Articles : A study on the Programmed Freedom of Interactive Movie (2020), Simulation and Post-representation (2019), Art and Creativity in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (2018).

Bio(Yoon, Nara)

-  Researcher, Esthétique, Pratique et Histoire des Arts (EPHA), University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis (France)

-  Visual Artist and Art director of ARTO (South Korea)

- Ph.D of EDESTA(Ecole Doctorale Esthétique, Sciences et Technologies des Arts), University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis (France)

- Invited Professor of Department of Cultural Contents & Management, Inha University (South Korea)

- He researches on AI Art, Visual Art and Art & Tech. Latest Articles : An interdisciplinary study on the possibility of understanding AI from an art-tech perspective (2020), A Study on Demythologization of AI (2020), Informatic Art and Artificial Intelligence: zero dimension of information technology and of artistic creativity (2020, Doctoral Thesis).